What is a Sacrificial Anode in my Geyser?

As we all know, water rusts metal. 
To ensure your geyser does not end up a rusty mess, there is a small rod inserted into the top of your geyser cylinder.  This rod is called a sacrificial anode rod and it is the only reason why your geyser has not left you bathing in rusty water. 

How does an Anode Rod Work?

The function of an anode is to give additional protection to our geyser. An anode basically sacrifices itself in order to protect your geyser. 

Most homeowners are oblivious to the fact that anodes exist in the first place and are far less aware of the fact that anodes need to be replaced every 1 to 2 years to prolong your geysers.

Give Volker Plumbing and Maintenance a call to ensure your anode is not standing on its last legs to prevent your geyser from rusting.